What We Believe

We believe God has spoken to man; even as He has initiated making a Covenant with man. God initially chose the Jews as his people. To them he first made himself known; and with them he offered his first covenant. Eventually, through the Person of Jesus Christ, God made even further revelation of himself, precisely per his only begotten Son, the Second Person of the Triune God. Through Jesus Christ, God established his Second Covenant, which is the fulfillment of the first. Altogether, the two covenants comprise God's Story of his salvation of mankind right after man in Eden got cut off from the Almighty Father because of man's original offense: his disobedience to God's definitive terms of his creating Adam & Eve, and upon establishing for them their Eden Paradise. With this Fall of Man from the good grace of God, they did not just lose union with God, they been cast off into everything equivalent to the loss of God and of God's good grace. The tragic fact of the matter was that their very positive existence or life disastrously turned into a full negative consequence. They were cast off to their accomplice in their act of disobedience, defiance of God, the Devil, and to an existence that bespeaks of the Devil, namely, to an evil pestered life. Carrying with them the mark of original sin, man got altogether infected with the concupiscence to commit more sins. And since the wages of sins is death, man ends up having to suffer almost total deprivation of all God's good things. befalling upon them instead everything entailed by the absence of good. This translates into a living befit, instead, with everything gone wrong or bad. From a life that was providentially fully God endowed, man got cast away into a life condemned and meaningless. Since then, through the ages all over the earth, man's story became a story of repeated crimes and sins perpetrated by men against their fellow men. Men of every race got to offend, hurt, enslave, or kill each other. Even so, men and women die into meaningless deaths: namely, an existence after life without hope for any rebound of a new fate. But God being infinitely loving and merciful stepped into human history and planned, set up, and got into action the mystery of God's salvation of man out of his misery of sinfulness into God's redemptive re-embrace and union out of his fallen fate into a now saved mankind. God made this happen, and continues to make it happen altogether through his Son, Jesus Christ, the Saviour and Lord of mankind with the participation of a Church Christ established. And God will culminate this Story of Man's Salvation in the End-time upon Christ's final return and eschatological judgment over who will be saved vs who will be condemned for refusing to be saved.

Now this Divine salvation of man and of the earth unto the further predicted New Earth and New Heaven are the summary revelation of God through time unto eternity as recorded in the Bible and in the living tradition of God's "chosen people"/chosen men and women who believe and love their saving God. As for the former,the Bible, it is the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God and inerrant in the original writings. We believe that in the Bible and in Tradition, the Deposit of Faith passed on from our Lord Jesus Christ by the Apostles and their successors resides and dwells. And it dwells as the Divine Word in the person of Jesus Christ, who, as the chief corner stone, is the very living presence of God among his people. He is the head of his Body, the Church.

In concordance with all the above regarding the saving God, we believe Him to be the one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory. and we believe in the Church that shall share Christ's glory upon his return, and inauguration of God's New Heaven and New Earth.

Then in recapitulation, we believe that the lost and sinful man must be saved, and that man's only hope of redemption is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. We believe in and practice the holy ordinance of water baptism, which signifies the believer's death, burial, and resurrection into new life with Christ Jesus, and the sustaining of the divine life in God through a life of living faith and regular communing with Christ in the Holy Trinity at every Eucharistic non-bloody Calvary sacrifice celebrating by and with Christ at Mass as commanded by our Lord.

We believe in the present ministry and baptism of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a Godly life. Through this baptism of the Holy Spirit we believe the faithful to undergo its continuing purification and sanctification, including by professed confession of all personal sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and through the ultimate act of mercy of the heavenly Father by way of Purgatory cleansing unto its final purified union and glory with God unto eternity. We believe, thus, in the resurrection of the saved and acknowledge the damnation for the unsaved; those that are saved rising into the new life in Christ, and those that are unsaved into everlasting damnation.

And we believe, and follow Mother Mary's advice that as disciples of her Son, of the Lord Jesus Christ "... we are

to ever faithfully listen to the words of Christ, to the words of God, i.e. to the words of Scriptures, particularly the Gospel.

And among the words of Christ: “Do this in remembrance of Me!” Do what: do ever celebrate His Paschal Calvary crucifixion Sacrifice, or oblation of Himself, co-memorialized or re-enacted in the unbloody Sacrifice of the Mass, where are united with Christ’s sacrifice also all of mankind’s personal sacrificial offerings. Christian followers were/are to celebrate this sacrificial Mass throughout the world right, then, upon the inauguration of the Church onwards through all generations, every day and within every day. And during every Mass Christians, led by their Priests, were/are, indeed, to unite their individual life offerings/sacrifices together with Christ’s Calvary sacrifice of Himself, and become with Christ as a Priestly people: victims and priests in Christ. By this, we Christians get to proclaim themselves every day as the People of God, the Kingdom of God on earth united with God’s Kingdom in heaven. As God’s Kingdom on earth, we believers get to experience the risen Christ, i.e. we get to experience the exact same faith experience of the Apostles! And like them, we also get to be transformed, or, as it were, also transfigured “like unto Christ”, and eventually all professing as steadfast Christ’s witnesses in the world. But back to the Eucharist mandate upon Christians, through this Christ united rite and sacrificial offering up of ourselves in the Mass, we, believers are being gifted with the Bread from heaven, the Bread of life, with the Eucharist, or with Christ, Himself, in the Mass. In effect, both by this Christ’s very efficacious sacramental celebration, and by our manifest grace empowered Christian living as believers we get to edifying-ly witness to Christ’s merited graces of salvation work and sacrifice. Thus, we, believers, get to testify, indeed, to the salvation fruits born via our lived life of Christian charity towards fellow human beings. Therefore, the acts of love that we, as followers of Christ, share to people every each time of nitty-gritty kind and generous, even if uncomfortable, (at times), dealing with our neighbors are something greater than the mere exercise of democratic fair dealing. Our sharing of all human blessings and life gifts far exceeds mere economics and social dynamics temporal wealth distribution measures. And our procuring for absolute safeguarding of every individual life secures the eternal life of believers, that eternal life, which is far more valuable an existential asset and endeavor than sheer and transitory earthly fostered peace,(e.g. military peace, political peace, economic peace, even psychological peace) or any fostering of all such earthly manifestations of peace in the society, or over the entire temporal global order.

Lastly, we believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. For as the Mystical Body of Christ, all believers and followers of Christ are indeed one communion in spirit, in body per our union with the One Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit by faith, by love, and by all manners of life service of all our neighbors.