Being Good In the Eyes of God, Yet Honestly Human!

Being Good in the Eyes of God!

  Aim to be good in the eyes of God; and still seek to be human!

Blessed are they who have not seen; but have believed!

When things I even have prayed hard for just do not seem to materialize, and when things I repeatedly loathed to happen even more persistently refuse to cease to take place, THIS IS THE TIME I can believe Jesus, my Saviour, is truly at work and in control over my life. For it is what is truly going on UNSEEN and INTANGIBLY for the glory of God, and for my good, which God is both, by grace, unfolding and realizing! But only as seen and visible to my "eyes of faith"! Ie. a moment when God increases within me, and I decrease, or my self-pursuit decreases.

For surely, it is when, like mostly in the past, I insist for what I want done most aggressively, or when I refuse adamantly to accept what I do not want to happen that I am behaving more by "my flesh", than by "my faith by grace"!

For under such familiar and very natural predicaments and situations I am being inclined to see more of my "thing"; rather than my being open to the ever more real SAVING ACT & WONDER of my Lord Jesus.

I have got to constantly strive to remember Christ has REDEEMED THE WORLD, HAS SAVED ME! So, I have to make sure I accept his salvation of his people, and of me. I.e. I have to ever let him take control of all my life circumstances, events, and outcome. My heart should never ever be "anxious, and troubled"; but should always be abandoned to his will, and to the mystery and marvels, (and manners) of his saving of me!

Thus, it is about time more and more that I stop fearing the natural, world, and personal limitations and imperfections, even sins – no matter how so bad – ever taking it over God’s, Christ’s accomplished work of salvation, particularly within me.

Indeed it took God to become man, and it took Christ his passion and death and resurrection to do it: salvation. There should never be any doubting of such inscrutable, unimaginable, and unconquerable FEAT of God to save me, and all of mankind!

Not at all times, nor never completely & never satisfactorily will I see it, but the hand of God always intervenes on my every need, and always delivers for my good, AND FOR HIS GLORY!

However, this is one very telling fact and act of God: that God became man in the person of the Lord Jesus. When Jesus was born of Mary he, from the start, yearned, craved, and longed for the human motherly affection and stroking of Mother Mary, as well as from his foster father, Joseph. Having become a man, Jesus, at once recognizes in each human being his/her natural, and legitimate need to be known, recognized, and to be loved. God, thus, himself knows this, and wishes it that man gets to understand, and appreciate the love of God from and by the love he/she could receive from his/her fellow human being. And if any neighbor of our’s refuses to grant this need for human respect and affection, then he/she is failing in the command to the love of one’s neighbor, and consequently of Christ Jesus – who explicitly commanded that we love one another. Ultimately, thus, it is most understandable and sad when we, individually, suffer the rejections by/from our neighbors. But when this is happens, our ultimate recourse is to turn directly to our Lord Jesus, himself, who surely will more than make up for us our many lost loves and sentiments from our neighbors. In the end, indeed, we should be able to graduate our human loving experience into the supernatural loving, ie. inspite of our un-responded love, we are all the more to love our neighbors, precisely for and in order that we get to love God even more by dying to ourselves from the dearth of human love, and by our rising into that new life in Christ via our suffering faith & trust in God, and for God.

In the end, thus, Christ Jesus himself, the God-man, will satisfy our longing for human love per his Divine richness and bountifulness of loving us. And just like the Lord Jesus suffered the limitations and imperfections of people that persecuted him, and even killed him; ultimately, again, we are mandated to follow his command and example to suffer the limitations of natural human love for the sake of our loving or obeying God’s life and earthly will for us.

Even more ultimately, the fulfilment of our longing for love will not be satisfied here on earth nor in this time of our existence. By Divine scheme and destiny, God’s greater promise of salvation is that heavenly glory and union with God, which we shall be rewarded with in his heavenly Kingdom in the next life and the Final End-Time hereafter.