Chapter 11 Part 2

Chapter 11,

God's Material Blessings to Man, 

Part 2-Content: 

All of Them Fun-full Wholesome Daily Living Varieties We Could Enjoy

Number one and foremost is what we do how to care for our body, and together with St. Paul, let reckon with keeping our human body & spirit well!

Hence, first let us think about our body & spirit, how do we deal with them? 

St Paul was most aware how important it is that we care for our human body.  His chief reference about his special concern for the body's careful healthy integrity and wholesome functionality as body parts was as an analogy to the fundamental unity of the human body and spirit, and at large, to the unity of the members of the Church, as it were of the parts that make up the community of believers.  So, from First Corinthians, Chapter 12: verses 19-26 St. Paul graphically stressed how we must pay great attention to, and care for the parts of the human body if we want our body to function and perform what they were made for.  Hence, for illustration purposes, it is well to recall the following concern of St. Paul about respecting and attending to the needs of the human body; and so, he said, "God placed the parts, each one of them, in the body as he intended. 9 If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20 But as it is, there are many parts, yet one body. 21 The eye cannot say to the hand, “I do not need you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I do not need you.” 22 Indeed, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are all the more necessary, 23 and those parts of the body that we consider less honorable we surround with greater honor, and our less presentable parts are treated with greater propriety, 24 whereas our more presentable parts do not need this. But God has so constructed the body as to give greater honor to a part that is without it, 25 so that there may be no division in the body, but that the parts may have the same concern for one another. 26 If [one] part suffers, all the parts suffer with it; if one part is honored, all the parts share its joy".

St. Paul's words are self-explanatory; and I need not paraphrase them.

But St. Paul reminds us to do make sure that we take diligent care of our human body, and of our human spirit -- as the human body either cages or liberates the human spirit.  'Mens sana en corpore sano'-- a healthy spirit inside a healthy body. 

No matter how, for instance, our spirit urges us to do well, think well and act/perform well, we cannot do so if our body is not up to it.  It is thus common sense that we prevent what will make our body sick, and that we try our best to keep and grow our body in good health!

And talking of certain parts, like St. Paul did, we must treat with concerns taking care of our brain and what nourishes and sustains the brain, namely our healthily circulating blood within the body.  The blood carries and distributes nutrients and oxygen for the brain and other parts of the body so we can function with intelligent thinking and strong/energetic acting/working.  The resulting profound and clear thinking, as well as unleashed and enduring activities are but the results of what I quoted above: a healthy mind in a healthy body.

Thus, negatively speaking unless the blood supplies oxygen life to the brain and concomitant healthful nutrients food to the brain, and to other body parts the brain malfunctions and causes varying breakdown of the brain nerves as manifested in different varieties of breakdown, beginning from extreme nervousness/anxieties, confused perceptions, and memory gaps.  On the other hand, positively speaking when the blood is fed the best food and the necessary diet supplements, the brain demonstrates marvels of ingenious thinking and sharp perceptions and memory recall, and especially a truly unleashed spirit of decisive actions and indefatigable and tenacious work endurance.

What food does our body need?  And what marvelous diet supplements must we arm our body?  The following video link would answer our basic two questions.  Let us follow the link below. 



The Lord doesn't forbid pleasures; besides primordially loving God, and our neighbors, especially our needy neighbors He assures us not to worry about food, shelter, and all-around extra manners of living our lives. both our spiritual lives and the secular lives about both of which He promised we may and could live abundantly.

So, while mindful of our faith in Him, the Lord would allow us to enjoy even the little things in this present life.

Welcome, friends, and let us seriously have fun appreciating many good stuff or goodies available to us for satisfaction or engrossing entertainment!

Each day we are inviting my friends talking about and practically delving into every other thing that is so much fun, e.g. music that lightens our sometimes-gloomy moods, exploring to speak or write in another language, i.e. acquiring foreign language phrases, even sentences, helpful in some travelling, handy cooking skills, e.g. fast & convenient ways to prepare sumptuous food to your instant gratification or random guest hosting, for the not sufficiently technically exposed to the desktop use, -- the equipping ourselves of basic control of both the computer and the internet, for many DIY basic house appliance fixing -- the knowing & little by little arming us of most handy tools, the looking forward & preparing for a long dreamed special travel i.e. the fun of once in a lifetime overseas trip, etc....

On this segment of our website, we are aiming to enjoin each one the extra time away from the drudgeries of living by, during your spare moments re-experience the world of music, another foreign tongue to try, the fun of cooking-made-easy, the much longed for comfortable use of the computer, the tools & gadgets that could save us the expensive handyman calls, the comfortable and peaceful landing and stay on one fancied foreign soil, etc...

So, let's fire away and do engage in one of them fun-full wholesome varieties in life we had always fancied at doing!  We shall see each other in the next add-on web site page, outside of this Chapter 11.

* An add-on long fancied extra foreign tongue handy on a trip to a particular foreign spot to visit. (Please click on the following link:

* The always effective bad mood/stressed feelings music therapy audios at your fingertips.  (Please click on the following link:

* Fast but sumptuous meals, easy to prepare in minutes.  (Please click on the following link:

* Safe but exciting dreamed trips.   (Please click on the following link:

(This project posting is in progress.)


From the words of Ms. Cynthia Cobb, and as reported by Daniel Dressden, and some excerpts from

Jordan Siemens we are told that sunlight gives essential nutrient to the body for processing Viamin D,

which is needed to have healthy bones. They say sunlight helps manage the body's calcium levels, e.g.,

generates for the body the calcium the bones need to stay healthy. Sunlight helps manage calcium

levels to reduce inflammation of the bones. when the body is short of enough amount of calcium, the

human body uses the bones calcium's to make up for shortage of calcium's needed by the entire body.

When this continues, i.e., when the body does not get replenished with regular calcium producing food

nutrients or supplements, the human body borrows from the bones their own calcium; and this leads to

the weakening of the bones and the inflammatory condition of the bones. E.g. the bones easily get the

muscles and the entire body to feel fatigue, and susceptible to infection, and other diseases like

weakening of the liver and the kidney, which allow the liver's inability to assist proper digestion and the

kidney's tendency to fail to purify the bodies urine.

But if the body receives plenty of sunlight, the human body not only get to generate enough calcium for

the bones and the rest of the body, moreover because of the sunlight exposure the human body

expedites low blood pressure due to the effect of the sunlight to dilate/expand the blood arteries, which

lets flow greater amount of blood through the arteries, and ultimately to the brain: e.g., the brain gets to

produce for it's brain cells hormonal dopamine that stimulate the brain nerves with pleasant feeling in the

brain and from the brain to all the other body muscles, causing the referred-to-feeling good sensation.

throughout the body. Consequently, and on the contrary, the reverse good, namely the negative

hypertension of the nerves is prevented: feeling of depression is offset, notwithstanding external factors

causing depression. Because what happens is the following: with the plenty exposure of the body to

sunlight, there is generated the body chemical called nitrogen oxides, which are the one that directly

dilates the blood arteries.

Principally, however, sunlight is the one responsible for the body's production of Vitamin D. As the

sunlight turns plants leaves to green by the process of photosynthesis; and thereby, enables the plants to

emit plenty of oxygen in the air that man breathes; moreover, it facilitates the above mentioned

generating of Vitamin D. In effect, along with the sunlight manufactured oxygen in the green plants that

facilitates healthy human breathing, furthermore, the same sunlight per the production of Vitamin D in the

body, causes the good feeling of the human body and promote good mental health, e.g. controlled

hypertension or overworked nerves/human nervousness, and in effect, prevents the onset of disease due

to strengthened immune system.

But we are to be cautious about over-exposure to the sun, as the opposite disadvantage due to

overexposure to the sun is the developing of UV radiation, which can produce skin cancer. Hence,

moderation is the key.

Yet we cannot but emphasize the many advantages of the good effects of the sunlight to the human

body. One thing for sure the sunlight therapy equips and enable man the ability to walk great distances,

which is an easy substitute to complicated, and for some expensive body exercise, e.g. the cost of

commercialized body fitness enrollment; and moreover, it's aiding us the forming and maintaining of good.

body posture and preventing early body deformity, e.g. deteriorated early hunchback body.  

As an aside observation,  people, who habitate geographically in areas of the earth, where they live precisely with this advantage of a greater exposure to the sun, and along with them other people, like the black players, whose ancestors have lived demographically close to the equatorial line (i.e., around which the earth orbits around the sun constantly as it  revolves the whole year through),  and have passed along to their offsprings the sunlight generated healthy genes that their ancestors have been born with for having been originally exposed to plenty of sunlight having habitated on the equator prior to their migrating to a more temperate zone area of the earth, are easily typified to be the more athletic sports players. 

Now in the aftermath of the body's shortage of enough exposure to sunlight; and in particular with the

hampered ability of the body of respective people not exposed enough to the advantageous sunlight,

here is where the science of medicine and the dietary technology should play the make-up role for

people at risk of weakened immune system and shortened supply of Vitamin D in the body. Hence, let us

look into what the field of medicine and the dietary gastronomical advances can do to pre-empt the

natural shortage of sunlight aid. 

According to medical research appropriate sunlight exposure protect the human body from certain.

diseases, like diabetes, multiple sclerosis (a type of muscular dysfunction), some typ0es of cancer, e.g.,

colon, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and lymphoma, specifically the non-Hodgkins lymphoma -- the

lymphoma that occurs to the youths from the age 10 to 20. Lymphoma is the kind of sickness where the

individual is unable to fight infection of the lymph system, e.g. with a malignant lymphoma it shows.

symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpit, the neck, and the groins.

Other advantages of the sunlight to the human body are the following general happenings to the body or

to the person having proportionate exposure to the sun:

these individuals are prone to feel good, and have improved mood,

they get a boosted immune system,

they get relief from pain or discomfort,

their body relaxes,

they body is helped in healing,

they tend to be alert,

they experience increased satisfaction at work,

and they get to reduce feeling of depression.

Healthy brain for a healthy body! The over-all human fitness, or fully functioning body nerves and muscular/bone strength and sturdiness all boil down to a fully healthy brain.  If we pay attention to all health problems or health sustenance needs, they all are related to the preventing of whatever could harm the human brain, and to providing whatever will boost up a healthy brain, whether specific essential brain foods, nutrients & medicines, and specifically maintained bones & muscles conditioning.  Hence, here we aim to gather all of them treatments and medical boosters to make sure the brain feeds up on anything that maintain healthy bones and muscles; for it is a vice-versa symbiotic relationship between the brain and the bones & muscles: properly fed brain leads to healthy bones & muscles, and likewise, well cared for  bones and muscles insure well-functioning brain nerves in the brain and coordinately all around the human body bones & muscular reflexes. E.g. severe coldness of the body or abnormally low body temperature, (hypothermia), causes a headache; on the other hand,.an exhausted brain or a brain that lacks sleep rest, or an overworked brain due to anxiety or literal mental laboring causes fatigue or lethargic body, whether lethargic legs & hands or lethargic body-all-around.  All of the above pro-offered care of our less than healthy bones and muscles precisely to make up for the lost brain and body health due to some people's pre-empted sunlight deficiencies in calcium and vitamin D, which health deficiencies had been caused by insufficient exposure to modicum but necessary help of nature's sun heat and temperature upon their bodies.  So in the following links we shall be recommending appropriate treatment or healing cure to different sorts of illness or body dysfunctionalities affecting either the legs, the feet, the hands, the knees or joints, the hips, the back or the spine, the hearing, and gout, and arthritis, and vice-versa, direct brain illnesses like vertigo and dizziness, memory failure, brain related problem of physical balance, hypertension, and general problem of brain and nerves deficiencies for nutrients and supplements. 

(Please go to the following links.)




Let us go explore the world of the internet and the web and individually/personally equip anyone of ourselves, or rather, of yourselves especially, who, perhaps might want to re-dream and re-fulfill maybe even just vicarially, your dreamt engineer-self, or accountant-self, or finally a published writer, or a nerd master PC operator, or a confident self-made man, now ready to figure modest numbers that measure up enough to make you feel good telling good riddance to your job all under the comfy ambiance of your 'home office'.  

And so, at your fingertips right from the comfort of your home and the convenience of the on-line web, let us, thus, throw us/you into the fray of the world of technology-on-line! 

I say it again, here's a way to fancy back to the dreams of the past as the wannabe you/persons that you had dreamed to be if only fate had allowed you.  But in our present world of the internet and the web there are ways to seriously travel back to your dreams of old: you, wannabe engineers, could go back to your original personal designs and pre-conceived material structures aided by modern geometrical designs, here's a link for that and also this link.

For those of you, wannabe accountants, always psyched for most proper figure calculations of whatever mathematical challenges even from day-to-day scenarios, there are even much more simplified Excel based spreadsheets, here's the link.


For you always curious about how your dollar measures up to the money of this or that country, here's the link.


For you wanting quick publishing of your stories, whether biographical or literature-wise, here's your link.


For you who wants your PC running up speed, working most efficiently the maximum usage and facility of your all-around devices, whether of sound, printing & scanning, photoshopping, or playing games, here's the link for each of the needed driver upgrades.


For you wanting and preparing to once and for all quit your job, here's a calculator software link that will assure you how ready enough you are to completely retire.