Original Messages Outline of Our Mission Series On the Good News and the Joy of the Coming of the Lord

(Balik Sa Panginoon: Turn Our Ways Back to the Lord)


Balik Sa Panginoon (Back With God)

Original Mission Messages Outline:


Araw araw na papuri sa Panginoon,

Tayo ay magpasalamat at magpuri sa ating Panginoon!


"Where two or three are gathered in my name,

there I am in the midst of them."


Halina Tayong Lahat!


A Preface Summarization of the following OUR MISSION SERIES: THE COMING OF THE GOOD NEWS Chapters:

 (The individual links to open each of the chapters and of other articles are on the Home Page.)

Chapter One is our basic referencing to the fundamental Good News of the revelation by God of himself, specifically in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the realization of God’s special Promise of Deliverance initially upon the people of Israel, and ultimately upon the entire & universal people of God.  Chapter One is our basic referencing to the fundamental Good News of the revelation by God of himself, specifically in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the realization of God’s special Promise of Deliverance initially upon the people of Israel, and ultimately upon the entire & universal people of God.

Chapter Two sets the very foundations of the teaching of and about the Christian faith: that Christians believe in One God, who are of Three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  This revealed truth of the faith is the beginning and the base of all theological truths of the Christian Faith.  Only within the Triune Godhead resides the Creator Father, the Redeemer Son, and the Sanctifier Holy Spirit, three distinct Persons altogether as One supreme Divine Being.  sets the very foundations of the teaching of and about the Christian faith: that Christians believe in One God, who are of Three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This revealed truth of the faith is the beginning and the base of all theological truths of the Christian Faith. Only within the Triune Godhead resides the Creator Father, the Redeemer Son, and the Sanctifier Holy Spirit, three distinct Persons altogether as One supreme Divine Being.

Chapter Three sets another foundational truth of the Christian faith, namely, that God created the entire universe, man included, both as His eternal act out of his own being, out of his loving essence, and out of his unique plan of divine creating and salvation of man. The chapter sets another foundational truth of the Christian faith, namely, that God created the entire universe, man included, both as His eternal act out of his own being, out of his loving essence, and out of his unique plan of divine creating and salvation of man. 

Chapter Four introduces what the Magisterium calls The Mystical Body of Christ. Introduced, here, thus, is the aspect of the ‘communio’ (communality) between and among Christ, the Head of the Church, and the people of God, and among the members of the Church. We, thus, posit the belief how Christ identifies with his followers, and thus, with his Church. Also as the Body of Christ, we attempt to describe the essential dynamics between Christ himself and the trifecta members: 'Church Triumphant', 'Church Suffering', and 'Church Militant'. And because Christ is the source of the sacramental grace, we attempt to illustrate the reality and the mystery between the sacraments and the Church itself. We try to explain how the Church members are benefited by ‘graces’; yet how, because of Christ, this same Church is the very source of graces.g/applying by the Spirit of Christ’s Life of Grace into the Church and the individual souls of men and women through the ages till the End-Times. 

Chapter Five, explains about the Holy Spirit. The Chapter elaborates how faith and practice in the embrace of the Kingdom of God is precisely the work of, and through the working of the Holy Spirit.

Chapter Six tries to show what the Kingdom of God entails and requires of mankind in order for man to Return to God and his Kingdom. We try to define the meaning of holiness within the Kingdom of God via fundamental and total relation to and with Christ.  The chapter tries to show what the Kingdom of God entails and requires of mankind in order for man to Return to God and his Kingdom. We try to define the meaning of holiness within the Kingdom of God via fundamental and total relation to and with Christ. Chapter six explains about the Holy Spirit. The Chapter elaborates how faith and practice in the embrace of the Kingdom of God is precisely the work of, and through the working/applying by the Spirit of Christ’s Life of Grace into the Church and the individual souls of men and women through the ages till the End-Times.

Chapter Seven attempts to lay down the universal and historical man-world predicament, background, and condition as a flawed humanity and flawed world. Its negative tone only bespeaks of the tragic and sad state man had happened to have fallen into. Whereas God had given man a beautiful human nature; man by voluntary discord with God lost that beauty: that splendid authentic divine imaging and paradisical perks of Eden for man.

The chapter attempts to lay down the universal and historical man-world predicament, background, and condition as a flawed humanity and flawed world. Its negative tone only bespeaks of the tragic and sad state man had happened to have fallen into. Whereas God had given man a beautiful human nature; man by voluntary discord with God lost that beauty: that splendid authentic divine imaging and paradisical perks of Eden for man.

Chapters Eight put in perspective the positive denotation of Suffering; as well as emphasizes the conditional necessity of human suffering. It further marks how precisely suffering is man’s very effective atonement act WITH CHRIST as man’s participation and collaborating in Christ’s sacrificial Calvary act in salvation; and that in so embracing inevitable life suffering is alone the path into the new life of the risen Christ. 

Chapter Nine attempts the repercussion upon humanity and the world by the tragic and sad human betrayal of God in Eden as handed on throughout creation and through the generations of mankind. Having lost their idyllic and paradisical lives and lifestyles of Eden, our first parents and all their descendants also lost the more important gift from God: the good will of God, or the grace of God. What Adam & Eve and their children got to put up instead has been that essential separation from God, which is called human sinfulness. And Chapter Seven try to illustrate these prevalent sinfulness that has universally characterized the way of living by individual men and women of all times throughout the world particularly in the present.  

Chapter Ten A is the attempt to describe the more genuinely inner characteristic of the working of grace, which we fundamentally define to be the Life of Grace. It is posited there that this Life of Grace is the net-after-effect of Christ’s work of Redemption.

Chapter Ten B is the final treatment on the Life or living in grace. The Chapter tries to show the realistic-ness of grace as men and women of true faith manifest and demonstrate it being authentic and efficacious in the nitty-gritty actual daily and moment-to-moment living in the world.  The chapter attempts to cap, and sort of summarize the OUR MISSION SERIES: THE COMING OF THE GOOD NEWS. It features and attempts the highlights of Christian believers'/faithful's End-Journey in terms of how Christ’s work of Redemption/Salvation finally comes to its full realization and epiphany in the Mystical Body of Christ’s full blossoming as a People of God with Christ,  i.e  the Church’s final maturation in grace.

Chapter Eleven stipulates God’s universal magnificent benevolence and infinite generosity as He works His ‘actual graces’ for the needs of all people and the world; whether they be faithful to Him or not. We attempt a recounting of all Divine blessings on mankind.  

Chapter Twelve tries to record and recognize the merciful Divine Will:, that God did not completely cast off mankind into condemnation and failure. There we try to acknowledge God’s immediate and ever close generosity and bounteousness at hanging on to and promising man a new chance of getting back to the union with Him. We attempt some modest Old Testament and historical explaining how God made the promise, and has been working on His promise as prophecied in the past.

Chapter Twelve B also still a work-in-progress, attempts to cap, and sort of summarize the OUR MISSION SERIES: THE COMING OF THE GOOD NEWS. It features and attempts the highlights of Christian believers'/faithful's End-Journey in terms of how Christ’s work of Redemption/Salvation finally comes to its full realization and epiphany in the Mystical Body of Christ’s full blossoming as a People of God with Christ, i.e the Church’s final maturation in grace.

Chapter Thirteen is a reminder chapter that it is through the Church alone, the Church, which Christ established both as Mater et Magistra - (Mother and Teacher), - how Christ sacrifices, teaches, and shepherds the people of God. 

Chapter Fourteen A, also a chapter-in-progress, is a chapter aimed at calling to mind how God has not forgotten ‘the man’ He created in ‘his’ image, and how through Christ, God intended to make good of his Divine and Eternal design that man comes to and be united again with God precisely from his condition and nature as a human being.hat this Life of Grace is the net-after-effect of Christ’s work of Redemption. The chapter tries to record and recognize the merciful Divine Will:, that God did not completely cast off mankind into condemnation and failure. There we try to acknowledge God’s immediate and ever close generosity and bounteousness at hanging on to and promising man a new chance of getting back to the union with Him. We attempt some modest Old Testament and historical explaining how God made the promise, and has been working on His promise as prophecied in the past. 

Chapter Fifteen is called the "sacramentality" behind God’s salvation of man. In the generic mode we try to recall God’s intentions at showing his presence through "signs" and "instrumentalities". We try to establish how God has seen to it, and sees to it the importance of God’s being shown "to hang on" to man, notwitstanding his lost favor with Him, and specially after -- through Christ -- being restored to favor with Him. All of human and world happenings are only worth them when and if they are after or directed to the Divine.

Chapter Sixteen is a highlight Chapter which attempts to epitomize how Mary is the best example, follower of, and witness to Christ’s holiness. Chapter Fifteen aims to engender great acts of hope and trusts among believers by concrete illustrating of the wondrous graces God gives to Mary, and to others who greatly believe. 

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