A Call Upon Laborers of the Lord

Calling All Believers in Jesus Christ

Mga Kapatid sa Pananampalataya,

Please heed the following words from God:

From 2nd Tim Chapter 2:12

"...If we deny that we know him (Christ), he will deny that he knows us."

From Luke Chapter 12:8-9

"If you tell others that you belong to me, the Son of Man will tell God's angels that

you are my followers. But if you reject me you will be rejected in front of them..."

From Matthew Chapter 10:32-33

"If you tell others that you belong to me, I will tell my Father in heaven that you are

my followers. But if you reject me I will tell my Father in heaven that you don't

belong to me."

From Revelation Chapter 3:8-12

"....... You were not very strong, but you obeyed my message and DID NOT DENY

that you are my followers..... You obeyed my message and endured ....... no one will

take away the crown that you will be given as your reward. Everyone who wins the

victory will be made into a pillar in the temple of my God, and they will stay there

forever ....."

I give praise to God for his giving us the opportunity to be together in His Name, and therefore in His midst. I thank God and those who stirred up the inspiration to have a religious site where we could give witness to our faith in the Lord, and provide our community of kabayans a venue to express our faith in God and our charitable sharing with one another of the faith.

The Number One Target of the site is to Praise God, Thank God, and to Give Honor due him. It is only SECONDARY that this be a gathering place of fellowship for and with God.

As long as "a few visibly or invisibly" join me in praising and thanking God this Balik Sa Panginoon website would have done its job.

Afterall to address the Lord is at the same time to join in with God's Legions of Angels, and company of Saints. There can never be any greater honor and pleasure than this awesome company of God and his Angels and Saints.

NeverthelessI am talking to you, brothers and sisters in the Lord not to be timid, voiceless, and perhaps ashamed to show at the Balik Sa Panginoon cyberspace your PROCLAMATION OF OUR GOD and SAVIOUR!

I care that professed believers in Christ, in God be brave, candid, and forthcoming in testifying to the world that they do believe in Christ, and that they will not shun away from this public chance to mutually proclaim God, or about God.

Like Saint Paul let us not be ashamed to let everyone know about our weakness because when we accept that we are weak then we can not but turn to The One Who is Strong, our Lord and God JesusChrist.

As we proclaim the Lord and the Good News of the Lord if will not matter if we be accused of being righteous for as long as we talk the talk, and walk the walk. Let us press on! And like Paul, let us be ready to pay the price. Let us make ourselves publicly vulnerable. Let us play the guinea pig for everyone's sake. We are going to be hurting going against the current as we proclaim the counter culture faith in Christ; but let us suck it up because that is what it takes when asked to follow through our discipleship for Christ. We can not endure even just a day rebuffed and ignored when the world reject our preaching of the Lord. But by the graces of God we shall endure, and overcome. And so let us not worry about us; let us worry about the souls who shall miss our Good News of Salvation in Christ if we do not announce and proclaim to all the people Christ's message.

But to my co-believers in Jesus Christ I say this: Do not let the world think doing God's work is a losing battle, is a laughing matter! Joining in God's work is a VICTORIOUS ACT! Saint Paul never sounded ashamed talking about Jesus Christ! So come on! My brothers and sisters in Christ! Do not spurn an invitation to publicly CONFESS our God here at Balik Sa Panginoon! Praise God with me! Thank God with me! Testify & Teach about God here and now! Then we shall be pleasing to God, and we shall be pushing the building of the communities of God, the City of God.

Let me end with another verse wake up call from the Lord:

"If today you hear his voice, harden not your heart."