
Back to God

(Balik Sa Panginoon) 

Send us your Spirit, Lord, and renew the face of the earth!

You could contact us at: rvaldellon@gmail.com

Renato C. Valdellon, Owner

Teresa M. Valdellon, Webmaster

Balik Sa Panginoon (Back To God)

"I am the Good Shepherd.  I know my sheep; and mine know me!"

Welcome to our fellowship in Christ - we invite you to look around and get a feel for our faith website. Feel free to share any comments or questions that might be on your mind through our online guest book. If this is the first time you have found our faith web site - we'd like to take this opportunity to invite you to browse and examine, (and that you will hopefully be edified and lifted up to our Lord by), all of our on line faith postings. And of course, feel free to reach out and call us.  Please send us your devout and faith filled reflections about our faith in Jesus Christ.

We hope you and your family will have a warm and spirit-filled experience with us as we worship and fellowship together on line. 

We'd also like to invite you to make an online prayer request. You're prayer request opens the door, and God is waiting patiently on the other side of that door, at all times, in all situations, to join with you. 

Many blessings to you,

Bro. Renato 

Pater noster, qui est in coelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum; adveniat regnum tuum; fiat voluntas tua, sicut in coelo et in terra.  Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra,  sicut et nos dimittimus  debitoribus nostris. et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo.  Amen.     

Main Series Chapters about the Mission of Salvation in Christ 

New Chapter 1.  THE KINGDOM OF GOD: Our true King has come; His Kingdom is here.

This is our basic referencing to the fundamental Good News of the revelation by God of himself, specifically in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the realization of God’s special Promise of Deliverance initially upon the people of Israel, and ultimately upon the entire & universal people of God.

New Chapter 3.  The Creator God, and His Providential Promise of a Renewed Creation, A New Earth.

This, (a chapter-in-progress), is a chapter aimed at calling to mind how God has not forgotten ‘the man’ He created in ‘his’ image, and how through Christ, God intended to make good of his Divine and Eternal design that man comes to and be united again with God precisely from his condition and nature as a human being.

New Chapter 4.  The Establishment & the Building Up of the Kingdom of God, of the Church as Built by Christ

This chapter introduces what the Magisterium calls The Mystical Body of Christ.  Introduced, here, thus, is the aspect of the ‘communio’ (communality) between and among Christ, the Head of the Church, and the people of God, and among the members of the Church. We, thus, posit the belief how Christ identifies with his followers, and thus, with his Church.  Also as the Body of Christ, we attempt to describe the essential dynamics between Christ himself and the trifecta members: 'Church Triumphant', 'Church Suffering', and 'Church Militant'.  And because Christ is the source of the sacramental grace, we attempt to illustrate the reality and the mystery between the sacraments and the Church itself.  We try to explain how the Church members are benefited by ‘graces’; yet how, because of Christ, this same Church is the very source of graces.

New Chapter 5.  THE HOLY SPIRIT AS THE CHIEF AGENT FOR, AND WITHIN THE KINGDOM OF GOD: The Spirit works the kingdom inside and outside man. 

This chapter explains about the Holy Spirit. The Chapter elaborates how faith and practice in the embrace of the Kingdom of God is precisely the work of, and through the working/applying by the Spirit of Christ’s Life of Grace into the Church and the individual souls of men and women through the ages till the End-Times.

New Chapter 6.  The Call to the Kingdom of Christ, A Call to Christ's Holiness

This chapter tries to show what the Kingdom of God entails and requires of mankind in order for man to Return to God and his Kingdom. We try to define the meaning of holiness within the Kingdom of God via fundamental and total relation to and with Christ.

 New Chapter 7:  On the Fallen Adam, Our Fallen Life Fate That In the Beginning Was Not Meant To Be!  

Our fallen life fate that in the beginning was not meant to be!  The Event of Man's Falling Victim of Original Sin

New Chapter 8-A: The Evil That Man Faces, The Very Negative Aspects of Suffering

This chapter is the final treatment on the Life or living in grace. The Chapter tries to show the realistic-ness of grace as men and women of true faith manifest and demonstrate it being authentic and efficacious in the nitty-gritty actual daily and moment-to-moment living in the world.

 New Chapter 8-B: Essential Positive Aspects of Suffering



New Chapter 9: All of Man's Sins & Sinfulness 

The chapter sets another foundational truth of the Christian faith, namely, that God created the entire own being, out of his loving essence, and out of his unique plan of divine creating and salvation of man.

New Chapter 10: Man, yet in pilgrim journeying, is beset by sin,  but kept afloat by grace.  (This Chapter is still a work-in-progress.)  

This chapter, (still a work-in-progress), attempts to cap, and sort of summarize the OUR MISSION SERIES: THE COMING OF THE GOOD NEWS. It features and attempts the highlights of Christian believers'/faithful's End-Journey in terms of how Christ’s work of Redemption/Salvation finally comes to its full realization and epiphany in the Mystical Body of Christ’s full blossoming as a People of God with Christ,  i.e  the Church’s final maturation in grace.

New Chapter 11: Material Blessings, Actual Graces

This chapter stipulates God’s universal magnificent benevolence and infinite generosity as He works His ‘actual graces’ for the needs of all people and the world, whether they be faithful to Him or not. We attempt a recounting of all Divine blessings on mankind.

New Chapter 11, God's Material Blessings to Man, Part 2 

New Chapter12, Fulfillment of God's Promise of Salvation, Here and Now unto Eternal Life

This chapter attempts to lay down the universal and historical man-world predicament, background, and condition as a flawed humanity and flawed world. Its negative tone only bespeaks of the tragic and sad state man had happened to have fallen into. Whereas God had given man a beautiful human nature; man by voluntary discord with God lost that beauty: that splendid authentic divine imaging and paradisiac perks of Eden for man.

 New Chapter 13. THE INSTITUTIONAL KINGDOM OF GOD, THE CHURCH: the Kingdom was entrusted by Christ to Peter & the Apostles/disciples/all believers of the world. 

(THE INSTITUTIONAL KINGDOM OF GOD, THE CHURCH: the Kingdom was entrusted by Christ to Peter & the Apostles/disciples/all believers of the world.)

On The Church Established by Christ and Turned Over to Peter by Christ, Also Our Mother & Teacher Church, -- (Mater et Magistra) -- The Kingdom of God, A Kingdom Under Peter, Under the Church's Magisterium, "Thou Art PETRUS, and Upon this Rock I Will Build My Church, and the Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail Against It!"

New Chapter 14-A: “To Become Holy (Divinely Transformed Individuals), Is Not To Be Any Less Human", the Realistic Witnessing By the Saints  

New Chapter 15 The Sacramental Graces, The Sacraments https://sites.google.com/d/1JbKZuJalc7vzsj6DrC9m11mAbqJS8LIi/p/0BxTVRZmAB0uDUFRIbXhhTWxBVUE/edit

This chapter refers to the "sacramentality" behind God’s salvation of man. In the generic mode we try to recall God’s intentions at showing his presence through "signs" and "instrumentalities". We try to establish how God has seen to it, and sees to it the importance of God’s being shown "to hang on" to man, notwithstanding his lost favor with Him, and especially after -- through Christ -- being restored to favor with Him. All of human and world happenings are only worth them when and if they are after or directed to the Divine.

This is a corollary chapter amplifying on God’s Covenant Promises to His People In the Past and in the Present as already fulfilled in some measures. 

New Chapter 16.  MARY, GOD’S EXTRA HELP TO MAN WITHIN GOD’S PLAN OF SALVATION IN CHRIST: Man's extra aid in Mary as a way to hang on to her Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ.

This chapter highlights the epitomizing of how Mary is the best example, follower of, and witness to Christ’s holiness. Chapter Fifteen aims to engender great acts of hope and trusts among believers by concrete illustrating of the wondrous graces God gives to Mary, and to others who greatly believe.

